Here are
some of the highlights (term used loosely) of the LoserNet Supersite.
Included are the many media references to the associated pages.
Life and Times of a 41-Year-Old Virgin
was listed in Useless Home Pages, and was Terra IncogNETa's Dynamite
Site of the Nite for January 5, 1996. An interview with the ol' eunuch
appeared in the March 1996 issue of Internet Underground. Virgin
was also featured in the March 19, 1996 issue of Suck, mentioned
in the April 1996 issue of Websight, listed in Que's Entertainment
on the Net, and was featured in the January 13, 1997 issue of Salon
e-zine. A man caught between his life goal to become a monk and the world
of debauchery around him ... which will prevail?
Man Noises & Other Strange Tales
The strange tale of The
Keeper of Lost Lives continues. Yet, it's time to wipe the slate clean.
The journey to nowhere went exactly nowhere. Now, The Keeper is a little
older and a little wiser. Closure leads to a new beginning, or so he hopes.
Loser Living Upstairs
was featured in the Useless Home Pages Hall of Fame and was listed
in Mirsky's Worst of the Web. An article featuring Loser
appeared in the June 14, 1995 issue of the Convalescent City news weekly
New Times. Loser was also briefly mentioned in the August
10, 1995 issue of Rolling Stone, and the October 16, 1995 issue
of New Yorker briefly excerpted Loser. The Baltimore CityPaper
featured Loser in both its circulated weekly and on-line editions
for the week of October 30, 1995. Loser was also listed in the premiere
(January 1996) issue of Websight, named Useless Page of the Year
for 1995 by Useless Home Pages (Many thanks to Steve Berlin), featured
as the Classic Weird Web Site of the Month in the March 1996 issue
of Internet Underground, mentioned in the April 1996 issue of Websight,
listed in the 1996-1997 Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory,
featured in the January 13, 1997 issue of Salon e-zine, listed in
the March 1997 issue of .net, and mentioned in a sidebar article
in the June/July 1997 issue of P.O.V. Follow the antics of America's
favorite loser, as he keeps on going and going ...
Psycho's Multiscale PsychoInventory
The Multiscale PsychoInventory
is the state-of-the-art when it comes to psychopathological measurement
instruments. Dr. Psycho is always at the forefront of pseudo-psychological
research, and now he has made prognosis user-friendly!
The LoserNet Systematic Buzz
Phrase Projector is yet another useless LoserNet feature. Have
you been lost for words? This can be extremely embarrassing in technical
circles. Not to worry, the answer is here!
Monastery H.E.A.T.
possibly never-to-be finished novelette appears as-is. Good monks, bad
monks, babes and the evil Uncle Ho. Makes for some great reading especially
after a Club Cobra session. Ho boy!
The LoserNet KnowledgeBase covers a
variety of timely subjects of interest to all losers. Written from a loser's perspective, the
KnowledgeBase is devoid of the hype associated with the mainstream. When everyone is telling
you to "get a life," LoserNet offers real life coping solutions.