Sunday February
1, 1998
I spent the whole day reconstructing what used
to be my computer. I actually got everything working except Dial-Up Networking
(DUN). The process took all day, but I was satisfied with the progress
I made. I can't say that I have enjoyed this whole experience. I'm not
exactly sure if I want to stay in the computer field anymore. I may not
have much choice. I doubt that I am going to get another job in the computer
field. In fact, I'm beginning to doubt that I will find another decent
job again. My suspicions lead me to believe that I will end up working
as a hamburger engineer at one of those fast food places.
Moms told me that my bro and his family are moving
in two weeks. They apparently found a one-bedroom apartment for about $800
per month. Frankly, I am a little surprised. The situation between baby
and I has improved. It's almost like the computer ... partition, reformat
and reinstall the operating system ... if you know what I mean.
& Games
Monday February
Moms and I went to Ala Mo's this morning. Moms
wanted to look around for a few things that she needed. She didn't find
anything that she liked. We ate bento lunch at Shirokiya. I enjoyed
riding the bus with moms. It reminded me of when I was a kid. Moms and
I rode the bus everywhere. Now, forty years later, I'm doing the same thing.
I watched moms as she took a short nap. Moms has gotten much more tired
and more frail in the last few years. It saddened me to think that I may
have only a few more years to spend time with moms. It saddened me more
to think that the present situation at home has been less than desirable.
Moms deserves better than that.
I decided to call the Fujitsu support line. Although
I had sent in my warranty registration card about two months ago, I found
out that my computer was not registered. After I completed the registration
process, I talked with a service representative. I explained what happened
and what I did to recover everything. We went through the same diagnostics
that I had gone through several times already. Then, I was told to recover
the system with the factory backup CD. I would have to partition the hard
drive for FAT16 first. Of course, that meant that I would lose everything
that I did for the last two days. Reluctantly, I began the task of reformatting
the hard drive.
Me Bwana
Tuesday February
I restored everything from the backup CD as instructed.
Using the FAT16 partition prevented the truncating of the file and folder
names. I tried DUN again. Same problem. I called Fujitsu technical support
again. I updated the service representative on all that had transpired.
He walked me through another set of procedures that eventually caused my
computer to crash. I got the same error message as the last crash. I figured
out why, too. Whenever anything is changed in Windows 95, a reboot is usually
required. Never skip the reboot and continue with more changes. If a reboot
is required every time a change is made, then do it. Otherwise, the so-called
"blue screen" comes up with the error message that it can't find a device
driver called by a redirect. I think that I'm done dealing with Fujitsu.
In any case, I had put all of my important files back on the computer including
what was left of my e-mail archive after the last crash. Now, I've lost
everything because I no longer have the backup floppies.
I spent the rest of the day reformatting the hard
drive. I restored the FAT32 partition. I reinstalled Windows 95 and all
the drivers. Since I am not using the factory backup CD, I must do this
all manually. I'm back to where I was two days ago. This time, I have held
off from installing any more than I have to. DUN is still not working.
I have not received any calls from any potential
employers. I also did not get a call from the firm I had the second interview
with. That is not a surprise to me as it was made clear that a better candidate
was being sought. I would be hired only as a last resort. I don't consider
myself a whiz kid, but I think that it would be a terrible waste of resources
if the ol' lavahead ended up as a hamburger engineer. If I can't be recognized
as a worthy resource, then so be it.
Wednesday February
Although all of my e-mail archives are gone, I
happen to remember a piece of e-mail that I received last week. It was
from some brain donor babe who pointed out that I spelled Weird Al Yankovic's
name wrong. I surmise that she is more than just a fan of Weird Al. Anyone
who would write and attempt to chastise the ol' lavahead for spelling Weird
Al's name incorrectly is probably a stalker of the fatal attraction variety.
I need to warn Weird Al. I have nothing against Weird Al. Did you know
that we share the same alma mater? That's right. Can you guess where
Ozzie Smith and John Madden went to college? And, they all lived in Convalescent
City at one time. Sheesh! Of course, some alumni are destined for fame
and fortune. Others like the ol' lavahead are just an embarrassment.
I finally received a slam letter from the firm
I interviewed with. It looks as though they found someone else in the eleventh
hour. Well, bully for them! I'm glad that they didn't get stuck with an
incompetent fool like the ol' lavahead. Heck, he can't even fix his own
computer. What a loser! I met baby's daughter after school and we took
the bus to Kahala Mall. We met baby there and did our usual Wednesday night
at Barnes & Noble. I don't even know why I continue to read those computer
nerd magazines. I'm only a novice computer hobbyist at this point in time.
of a Nerd Era
Thursday February
My computer is still unable to connect to the
Net via DUN. As the days go on, I am getting more and more perturbed. I
went to Computer City today to price a few modems, although I have no idea
why. There is no need for me to purchase another modem since my computer
is unable to interface with my present modem. And, have you seen the prices
of modems these days? Sheesh! Later, I walked to Koko Marina with moms
and helped her carry the groceries back. This is probably the most pleasant
part of my non-descript life as an unemployed loser.
I think that my days as a self-proclaimed computer
nerd are coming to an end. The fiasco with my computer has left a bad taste
in my mouth. In fact, I'm losing complete interest in anything that is
related to computers. Right now, I feel real stupid that I spent so much
time and money to become a mediocre computer nerd. I should have bought
a TV/VCR combo and a bunch of hurdy-gurdies. Then, I should start smoking
and drinking again. If one is on a downhill slide, why not just go all
the way?
Friday February
My nephew and sister-in-law were home today because
the little whizzer is sick again. The tube has been on all day. My nephew
has been screaming and whining whining for most of the day. Actually, he
does that whether he is sick or not. I sent out a few more employment queries,
although it is plainly obvious that I'm just wasting paper.
There has been major shakeup at baby's working
place due to massive incompetence. Perhaps it was good that baby stayed
on because she has finally been promoted to a different position. She had
been working as the receptionist. Now she will be underwriting loans. This
has all come about because a few people have resigned, most likely because
they were on the verge of getting fired.
Saturday February
I spent the day at baby's place. Baby's neighbor,
Ray, let me borrow his old push-type lawn mower. He has a power mower,
but I wanted to use the push mower. It took me several hours to cut the
grass. I have to admit that I got quite a workout with the lawn mower.
Baby and her daughter went to the beach to go boogy-boarding. So, I was
basically left to my own devices. I also called the Fujitsu technical support
line again. My patience has been depleting rapidly. I explained the whole
problem again for the third time. I was told that a senior technician would
call me within a few days.
Baby treated me to dinner at the California Pizza
Kitchen in Kahala Mall. That was my reward for being a good yardboy. After
dinner, we spent the rest of the evening at Barnes & Noble. I perused
a variety of computer nerd books to see if I could find an answer to the
DUN problem. I found nothing. Most of these books are fairly useless. Instead
of spending $40 on one of these books, why not just read the on-line documentation
that comes with Windows 95? It is basically the same thing.
Sunday February
I spent
most of the day playing Windows Solitaire. I took a short break to go over
to baby's place and wash my six-four. Baby and her daughter were gone for
the day. I ate lunch at Burger King yesterday and today. Whoppers, my way,
of course! I sure missed my Whoppers. I can't even remember the last time
I ate one. You know, there is nothing like a Whopper to make a lousy day
better. Sheesh! I don't know what to make of this Windows Solitaire marathon.
Somehow, when life gets unbearable, I always play Windows Solitaire. Frankly,
I'm ready to break out Wolfenstein Nightmare. Do you remember those
good ol' days when I played those games for hours? Do you see why I can't
get a job?
bro was sick today. It looks like he contracted whatever his son had. Whassup
wi' dat? Did somebody forget to wash their hands again? Maybe there's some
truth in the old adage, "Whatever goes around, comes around." Do you remember
when my bro yelled at baby and tried to blame her her for the cold he had?
He's been sick for the last two weekends. Isn't justice great, Itlan?
Say, whatever happened to The Tick? And, what about Speak? Maybe
that is why I've been in a foul mood. I just hope that someone starts distributing
the old episodes of The Tick on CD-ROM. Lord knows I will
need a little levity if I am going to keep from going insane.
Monday February
My bro and his son were home today because they
both were still sick. I spent most of the day playing Windows Solitaire
again. My computer is still basically a doorstop since I have not heard
from the Fujitsu technical support people. No potential employers have
called either. I have been entertaining the prospect of applying for welfare.
I can only hold the loan people off for so long, and it is becoming very
obvious that I will be unemployed and penniless for a long time. I have
to ask myself ... how did it all come to this?
Baby's daughter has not really adjusted to living
in Hawai'i. She has become a little defiant, although she is still relatively
well behaved. The problems are a little beyond skin-deep and have roots
tracing back several years. She has been shuttling back and forth between
her separated parents. During the Summer, she lives with her godparents.
She is given a significant amount of attention by all of her family members.
Naturally, she has become a little spoiled. We have already seen the results
of an excessive form of that kind of child-rearing in the example of my
nephew. Only time will tell, but I suspect that she may be returning to
Oregon for good in the near future.
Tuesday February
I sent out more employment queries, although sometimes
I just have to laugh. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Out of the numerous queries I
sent out, I only received one slam letter. This is not a hopeful situation,
my friends. This is just another example of the kinds of duffers who staff
personnel offices. Where do these losers come from? How do they even get
a job? Sheesh! I have come to the conclusion that I only have two choices
left in life. One, I can apply for welfare as I mentioned yesterday. Or,
two, I can sign up to learn a trade. That's right, I can learn a new vocation.
Wouldn't it be funny if I enrolled and ended up in a computer class learning
Microsoft Word? Speaking of Microsoft, did you see that picture of Bill
wearing a cream pie for a hat?
My bro and his son were home again today. They
are both still sick. I am beginning to suspect that my bro's current job
has come to an end. The construction site is about a mile away. One of
the bus routes passes right by the site, and so I have been able to monitor
the progress. From what I have seen for the last month, the carpentry work
should already be winding down. Moms said that my bro and his family will
be moving on Sunday. They seem to be genuinely excited about the move.
Oddly, I wish them well. I just hope that they can learn to appreciate
how good life has been for them in the last eight years. Perhaps they will
be able to see things in a much more humble fashion in the future.
Ol' Thing
Wednesday February
After 30 minutes of trying to get my nephew "in
the mood" to go to daycare, my sister-in-law decided that he was too sick
to go anywhere. So, she took the day off. Moms and I left for Kahala Mall
fairly early this morning to do some shopping. My sister-in-law took the
"baby" to the doctor. Interestingly, the little whizzer was able to stand
up fine and eat his Chicken McNuts meal from Mickey Dee's. In essence,
the "baby" is being rewarded for acting sick. Little wonder why he is supposedly
sick all the time. His mother receives little attention from my bro, which
seems to increase her need to maintain the little whizzer's dependency
on her. So, the sick one and his mother spent the rest of the day watching
the tube.
I called Fujitsu technical support again because
the promised service call never came about. I had to repeat the details
of the problem once again. Then, I was told that a technician will call.
I have now posted the problem on a Microsoft newsgroup because I need to
find the solution quickly. Tonight was Barnes & Noble night. I was
actually happy to get away from the Theatre of Stupidity. When I
returned home, everyone was asleep. So, I managed to play a Windows Solitaire
Plain Boring, Damnit
Thursday February
My sister-in-law was not able to get her son in
the mood to do anything, so she told moms that he was real sick. She then
asked moms to baby-sit the little whizzer today instead of taking him to
daycare. So, moms had to cancel all of her plans for the day to take care
of the little whizzer. As for me, what can I say? I am seriously considering
replacing Explorer with Solitaire as the main shell for Windows. Aside
from that, I have no life. I managed to go to town and restore my monk
haircut. I also went to K-Mart and bought a phone and an answering machine.
Man, do I know how to generate excitement, or what? Whew! I can really
see why LoserNet is not a popular Web attraction. It's just plain boring,
damnit. That is why the ol' lavahead is shutting down one of the mirror
sites at the end of the month. Since I am running out of material to discuss
about my daily non-existence, I may have to resort to reminiscing about
old days long gone. Old guys love to reminisce, and the ol' lavahead is
definitely getting old. Sheesh!
Kahuna Day
Friday February
It's sinister kahuna Day! I'm not a superstitious
guy, but I do know that the sinister force and the sinister kahuna
both exist. I'm just glad that neither of them decided to toy with the
oversized cranium. Sheesh! Moms and I took the bus town. She wanted to
buy a few garden supplies from Wally's Garden Shop. We also went to Long's
before returning home. After lunch, moms and I walked to Koko Marina to
do the daily food shopping. I made myself scarce at moms' house because
I just didn't really care to see the Turds. They have been making an inordinate
amount of noise in the morning before they leave for work. I assume that
this was deliberate. Little do they know that I am already awake. I am
just waiting for them to leave.
My new computer is still functioning as a door
stop. No one from Fujitsu technical support ever called me back. I have
restored all of the functions on my old NEC notebook computer. LoserNet
has e-mail services once again. I should have just kept using the old computer.
Heck, I can't even get a job in the computer field. Why do I need a new
computer? In fact, why didn't I just buy a Windows CE hand-held computer?
Saturday February
Did you have a nice Valentine's Day? I hope so.
I spent most of the day at baby's place finishing up a variety of projects.
Baby went to the gym in the morning. Her daughter started Hula lessons
at Aunty Leilani's place. Baby had an appointment in Kaimuki so she and
her daughter left before lunch. I also went shopping for some motor oil
for my six-four. All of the stores in Hawai'i Kai were charging close to
$2 per quart. This was an outrage. So, baby and I ended up driving to K-Mart.
We bought quite a few things to make the trip worthwhile. Baby treated
her daughter and the ol' lavahead to dinner at the Joy Garden restaurant
in Koko Marina. It was an enjoyable meal.
My bro and sister-in-law began moving some of their
stuff today. Even after several trips to their new place, there were still
quite a few things left. I have no idea how they are going to fit all of
that stuff into a one-bedroom apartment. That's going to have to be a part
of their learning experience. Tomorrow is their big day. They will be moving
out after their eight-year stay at moms' house.
Big Move
Sunday February
I spent most of my day at baby's place although
baby and her daughter were gone for most of the day. I just did not want
to be around the commotion. I came back home for lunch. Fortunately, only
moms was here with my nephew. Later, I returned home sometime around dinner.
Only moms was here. The house was pretty much empty. I was even surprised
to see that the "warehouse" was empty. Moms seemed a little despondent.
I kept moms company as best as I could. Later, I walked over to baby's
place. We walked back to moms' house so baby could visit moms. Moms seemed
to be in better spirits.
Tomorrow, I begin the task of restoring moms' house
to the way it should look. I will be painting the whole interior of the
house in the next few weeks. There are a lot of repairs that must also
be done. It is going to be tedious and time consuming. However, I want
moms to feel comfortable in her own home.
Monday February
I spent over 12 hours today working on moms' house.
I filled, sanded and painted all day. The project is going to take a lot
longer than I had originally anticipated. The repairs and surface preparation
are time consuming. However, once I start on a project, I am firmly committed
to it. In fact, I have not even had time to play Windows Solitaire.
reminds me ... Fujitsu technical support has still not called. I find that
a little disheartening. Sad to say, I don't think I will ever buy another
Fujitsu computer. Perhaps I should not buy any computer from this point
on. What good is a computer anyway? I need to get back to a simple life.
If I rid myself of these wretched computers and if I sell my six-four,
I will only have my Bose Wave radio and Mr. Potato Head. My Bose Wave radio
has been reinstated to full service again. I have been listening to classical
music on the local public radio station. It is the only decent station
I can receive in stereo. I am beginning to enjoy classical music. There
is something very calming about it. Since the "warehouse" is now somewhat
empty, I was able to place the Bose Wave in a better location for optimal
sound. This has been the first time that I have been able to hear the Bose
Wave as intended.
Tuesday February
It was another 12-hour day for me. I have to admit
that I am a lousy painter. I just can't seem to use a roller. So, I had
to apply a second coat of paint to areas I had already done. Of course,
the walls were in extremely bad shape to begin with. I tried to resurface
some of the areas that were haphazardly repaired previously. These were
patches that hid holes in the walls and doors that my bro had perpetrated
a few years ago when he felt that it was necessary to take his anger out
on inanimate objects. In all fairness to my bro, he has also helped moms
maintain and repair the house during the last eight years.
I have not gone to the gym for three days now.
This may also be adding to my stress. I have become obsessed with completing
the painting project. If I work 12 hours a day, I can anticipate a three-week
completion time. Originally, I anticipated doing piecemeal work over a
longer period of time. Somehow, I thought that I would be employed within
a reasonable period of time, so I accelerated my work schedule. Who was
I kidding? I'll be unemployed for hella long time.
of the Mindless
Wednesday February
I only worked on the house for about five hours
today. I had to go into town for my second job interview. As usual, I performed
poorly in the interview. I am just not cut out for the working world. I
cannot play the game properly. I am becoming more convinced that I need
to seek out a peon job. I can put in my time and not worry about additional
responsibilities beyond that. If I secured a computer nerd job, I would
be involved with my work well beyond the standard work hours. Work projects
will end up like this painting project. I will end up spending an inordinate
amount of time and sacrifice my personal time.
Baby and I did not go to Barnes & Noble tonight.
Baby is still recuperating from her 8.5 mile run early Monday morning.
She was a participant in the Great Aloha Run. Baby and her daughter have
come by moms' house every night since they no longer need to worry about
upsetting the fragile world of the Ninja Turds. Moms seems to be adjusting
well. She has even started to clean different parts of the house again.
She said that she gave up on the cleaning a few years ago because there
were so many junks all over the place.
Thursday February
I spent yet another full day painting the house.
I have to admit that my patience is rapidly depleting. The work is tedious
and monotonous. Of course, working 12 hours per day does little to make
the project seem refreshing. I should actually be enjoying the monotony
since I am a monotonous kind-of-a-guy. Needless to say, not much else has
transpired since I invoked this project. I could go into laborious detail
of how I clean my brushes and rollers. I could also discuss my philosophy
about priming a surface prior to painting it. Who really cares? All I know
is that I have become obsessed with this painting project. Even when I
sleep, I am dreaming about what I will be doing the following day and how
I will accomplish those tasks. Do cows dream of Milk Duds?
the Labyrinth
Friday February
Guess what I did today? Yep, another 12-hour painting
day. I am actually beginning to see some progress. As I do the assorted
repairs and painting tasks, I cannot help but ponder the true existential
nature of the whole experience. The task is mundane ... so mundane that
Robbe-Grillet may even be compelled to write about it. This could be a
whole new twist to his classic piece, In the Labyrinth.
Baby's friend is visiting Hawai'i along with her
boyfriend. They flew in from Portland yesterday. Baby and her daughter
will be spending most of the weekend with them. I, on the other hand, will
be spending all weekend with my paint brushes. Well, at least I'm not sitting
in the closet in seclusion.
is Pleasure
Saturday February
I almost lost my mind today. I don't know why.
I think that my 12-hour painting sessions are getting to me. Moms even
commented that she was getting a little worried. Perhaps she thought that
I was beginning to cross that fine line into the virtual hermitage of insanity
like my Uncle Mike did years ago.
Baby and her daughter went to the Mariah Carey
concert tonight at the Aloha Stadium. I stayed home and painted into the
night. I crave the monotony of this mundane task. It is so boring that
it is sickening. Yet, I am beginning to experience a sense of perverse
pleasure. This is the same pleasure experienced by monks during penance.
I enjoy being the low man on the totem pole. I love the sickening decadence
of the loser's life. The pain is pleasure. The pleasure is pain. And, I
... I am The Keeper ... Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!
at the Wailing Wall
Sunday February
More painting. More pain. More pleasure. The Keeper
of Lost Lives. The ol' lavahead. The oversized cranium. The oversized pumicehead.
The unemployed fool. One and the same. The beloved Bose Wave radio plays
classical music all day. I paint by Prokofiev. I spackle by Stravinsky.
And, I lament at the Wailing Wall by myself. Sheesh! For the most part,
it is just the ol' lavahead and the confounded roaches. Well, there you
have it, ladies and gentlemen. My next obsession ... errr, I mean project
... is to exterminate all those damned roaches. Shouldn't I feel at home
since I used to live at the Roach Motel? Not exactly. The only roaches
at the Roach Motel were the tenants.
Baby and her daughter came by to visit late this
afternoon. Moms invited them to stay for dinner. It was nice to be able
to enjoy dinner without any scenes from Theatre of Stupidity. Ah,
the simple life. I found two cans of roach spray, so I am ready to begin
the roach extermination project. Busy, busy, busy. That's my middle name
... the ol' busy, busy, busy lavahead.
Monday February
I was thinking ... something I am not used to
doing anymore ... and I wondered how I would end this journal. Would I
end it abruptly like the competitor did? Could I end a three-year saga
with just one simple paragraph? Yes, I could. The key, of course, is banality.
This journal (and my life) is ... so banal. Banality. I have even resorted
to using incomplete sentences. Alas, I am finally moving into the mainstream.
Who would have suspected that I would eventually sell out? I think that
I need some rest. A long rest. Speaking of selling out, I received a copy
of the Internet Explorer 4.0 CD in the mail. Thanks, Bill! That pie in
the face has sure invoked some benevolence on Bill's part. Since my new
computer is basically a doorstop, I figured that I should install Bill's
Crashing Browser. When one is on a downhill slide, why stop? Pick up the
pace (not the picanté sauce) and ram any fool that gets in the way!
Spray Fumes
Tuesday February
I had another interview this afternoon. I left
home earlier than I had originally anticipated so I would get there on
time. It turned out that I had an hour to kill once I arrived downtown,
so I visited baby at work. She took her lunch break and we walked around
town essentially doing nothing. The interview was not exactly an interview.
I have been invited to teach part-time at a local university. I use the
term "invited" in an optimistic fashion, although nothing has been finalized.
I will be looking over the curriculum and submitting my subject preferences
within the next three weeks. If approved, I may be teaching on the campus
as early as May.
I am becoming more inclined to accept my lot in
life. I need to seek out a job that I would really enjoy. You thought that
I was going to mention a career at Burger King again, didn't you? No, I
now believe that my call is to work at Starbuck's Coffee. Yesterday, I
thought I should work at Long's Drugs. It's too bad that the Bose factory
is not in Hawai'i. I would truly enjoy working on the Bose Wave radio assembly
line. Actually, I could work on the assembly line for a toothpick factory.
It's all the same to me. Sheesh! Well, the carpets in moms' house were
cleaned today. However, I decided that I should get a head start on the
roach situation. I sprayed the couch and the coffee table. Within minutes,
roaches were literally dropping out of the woodwork. Whoa! I spent the
rest of the evening spraying various items of furniture. The fumes of insecticide
have definitely affected my cortical functions.
Wednesday February
I had a phone interview this morning with a local
HMO. The interview was unassuming at best. I was the dark horse candidate
as someone else was already chosen for the position. Since I did not have
a Microsoft MCSE certification, I was not able to upset the current choice.
I have no idea why there has been so much emphasis placed on Microsoft
certifications. That is the power Bill has over everyone. He says, "Jump!"
and all the minions ask, "How high?" Speaking of HMOs, there are a million
HMOs in Hawai'i. We supposedly have a good health care system here. One
has to wonder, though. Are people in Hawai'i spending all their free time
at the doctor's office? How else can these HMOs stay in business?
I have been getting a little burned out on the
painting project. So, my productivity has decreased. The numbers of repairs
has also slowed down the process. In addition to painting, I am also doing
any of the necessary repairs. The list has ballooned considerably. The
situation is further confounded by previous half-ass attempts at repairs.
However, it seems that I will have plenty of time to finish this project.
Thursday February
Another day of banality. It is banality that drives
my desire to exist in an unassuming fashion. The only true power I can
exercise is limited to the roach world. I am their nemesis ... their sinister
kahuna, as it were. In fact, I am the Keeper because it is I who
controls their destiny with a can of unscented Raid roach spray. The closest
thing we have to a can of Raid in human circles is a Mac-10.
Banality is also the reason that this journal will
officially come to end in two days. Mind you, LoserNet will continue
on ad infinitum. The fine line between "official" and "unofficial"
is both semantic and moot. The Keepers ramblings will also continue. So,
what do I mean when I allude to the journal's demise? Heck, I don't know.
I could be speaking in tongues and have lost something in translation.
Or, my mind could have snapped while I was not looking. Virtual insanity.
Interesting concept, eh? As I lose my mind, you will be right here with
me! Watch as the foam develops along the ridge of my mouth and I begin
drooling like a dog gone mad! This is real life like you've never seen
it before! Yes!
Friday February
I spent three hours chiseling away on about an
inch thick layer of Fixall along the bathroom window. This was one of my
bro's early attempts to emulate Bob Villa. Everyone has to learn the hard
way. I'm sure that my first attempts at anything had less than desirable
results. My bro had layered the Fixall over a previous half-ass job done
by pops. In a way, this mimics society in general. Rather than strip away
the original and shoddy base, we continue to add layer upon layer to the
existing infrastructure. Within the core, the primitive structure still
exists and is crumbling to dust. That is also what we do to our minds.
Rather than strip away the old personality, we tend to build upon the original
and faulty child-like personality. The adult personality is like the Fixall.
The rock hard exterior attempts to encapsulate and contain the faulty core.
However, like Fixall, the exterior is porous and old personality can seep
out through the weak spots. Virtual insanity.
Baby and her daughter came over for dinner tonight.
Later, moms and I went on a roach hunt. We sprayed more furniture and the
roaches were literally dropping out of the woodwork again. Moms tends to
save all kinds of junks like paper sack and old cardboard boxes.
That is also where we found the most roaches. So, everything will now be
going to the recycler. My bro has the same pack rat mentality. All that
hoarding only resulted in one thing ... a proliferation of roaches.
it over, yet?
Saturday February
There is almost a comedic stupidity to my life
that requires little or no justification. What more can be said? Baby and
I took the bus to town this afternoon. I wanted to get a copy of CleanSweep
at Office Depot. How could I go wrong for $14? A new version of the software
came out so the old copies were on sale. Then, we went to Ala Mo's to look
around before returning home. Later in the evening, we went to Barnes &
Noble for a relaxing evening. Little did I know what kind of havoc CleanSweep
was going to wreak on the poor ol' lavahead.
There is much more to be said about absolutely
nothing, but that kind of banality should be spread out over a period of
time. We can't have too much fun in one day, can we? LoserNet is coming
apart at the seams. As CEO of LoserNet, I have been derelict in my duties.
I have piloted LoserNet into obscurity with reckless abandon. Perhaps I
should resign from LoserNet. Nah, a good captain goes down with his ship.
And, down I will go! Hele on, braddah!
Hele On With
More Banality
No longer supported by LoserNet, the ol' renegade
lavahead continues to ramble in a banal fashion. Join him as he approaches
new lows in journalistic history with more idiotic banality.
The Keeper of Lost Lives: Return of the Stoneface Mack
The Keeper of Lost Lives ... Tralfaz
Moms ... Herself
Baby ... Herself
© Copyright 1998 by The Keeper of Lost Lives
LoserNettm Love It, or Lose It.